Friday, August 05, 2011
I was born in love to music, though music does not love me back. Since from the beginning we never had any mutual understanding, and I admit we will never be compatible for each other. However, I never give up music because like what they say; loving does not demand to be loved back, as long as it is not taken for granted. So I decided to learn some musical instruments: snare drum, xylophone, flute, organ, guitar, octabina, laud and banduria. Fortunately, I was able to know how to play all those instruments but none of them I had mastered. Nevertheless, it is a great pride for me already because in my own little way I can say that if I am not gifted with melodic voice at least with knowledge in playing musical instruments.
Music indeed gives life and direction to some individual. It has a unique quality of making people feel different emotions and keep them moving. And in this advent of technology, radio is still the best source of music.
As a communication student, I was very excited to know about the internship we would going to have at Ateneo’s radio station. It would be another experience and a chance to learn something new about music. I am curious how does a radio station operates and play songs subsequently with commercials. And I am quite thrilled of the idea of going over on-air like a Disk Jockey.
The Beat 89.5 FM serves as an avenue for me to learn how to use the console “Sam Party DJ” which is I think one of the most important applications for the radio station to broadcast. My first hands on was a bit hard because I cannot absorb the process on how the console will work because it has so many windows open. I was nervous and hesitant to click any buttons because it might cause any technical problem. Moreover, I learn how to traffic the commercials and load songs, and also I was taught how to make a good segue. I get to familiarize what type of songs we are going to play during specific days, and I get conscious of the time. With the limited days and hours of duty I see to it that every time I visit the station I must learn something new or just observe the environment. To be more productive, sometimes at home when I do nothing I scan and listen to songs I have on my laptop and make my own program log, so that when it is my turn at the station to load songs and commercials it will be much easier.
My internship experience at The Beat 89.5 FM was worthwhile and great after all. I get to experience the life behind radio broadcasting. Now when I listen to any radio station I tend to observe their program platform and if the songs played made a good segue. I also found new friends that I am very grateful to talk to, and that I know they care so much for me. Above all, what made the experience in The Beat 89.5 FM so memorable was that I became more in love to music. This has been my first love which keeps me happy and reminded that I am not alone.