Start the Year Right with CMR5

Color Manila Run Year 5
08 January 2017
Mall of Asia Grounds

Hello! It’s 2017 and for me it means taking things in to the next level. Told myself to be committed in various fitness activities, join a half or maybe a full marathon, maintain my healthy diet, plan a year-long weekend travels and completing 6-8 hours of sleep everyday. Well, what could be a better start but to simply run while having some fun.

Since it was launched in the country 5 years ago, I’ve been wanting to join the Color Manila race. So in its 5th year anniversary, and yet to be the grandest with American Native Indian inspired theme, I promised to join. And, I must say it was the most colorful run of my life.

It was not an ordinary but a festive race. It was filled with music and, not to mention, celebrities. Participants wore sunglasses and colorful head gears, some even dressed up for fun. Organizers and volunteers have also gone extra mile to make sure that runners will have a good time as they pass by each color station while being poured with bright color powders. Each station is unique and some runners prefer to stop in every station just to take photos.

More than finishing the race, it’s the running itself that really made the race a memorable one – from the gun start to crossing the finish line. It did not require us to compete with the other runners, you just have to give your best and run, jog, or walk without the pressure of being the first to finish the race. At the end of the race, all of the participants received their own medals whichever category they participated. So there was really no pressure at all, and yet I was able to finish at my best time with the unofficial time of 47mins for the 10km race category.

Crossing the finish line without stain of either pink, blue, yellow and green color powders would make you look like a total loser. But well, the fun doesn’t end after you reached the finish line. The real fun is just about to start with the after-party, and in fact, more color powders and more music awaits. The heck! It was crazy and super-duper awesome; it was a dance revolution. I had the best party of my life together with my friends and cousins. 

Oh well, looking forward to next year’s Color Manila race. See you there! But before that here are some outtakes during the after-party.