Sixteen Challenges to Self for 2016

07 December 2015

Dearest Nico,

The year was indeed great for you. You’ve been to many places, explore new things, met a lot of new friends (more than you did for the last five years) and learned some very valuable life lessons. But know that there were also things that hurt you and almost made you cry. Nevertheless, keep the ones that made a good impact. So for 2016 let go of some loads and help yourself achieve a better version of ‘you’. So here are 16 challenges for you this coming 2016.

  • Spend more time with nature (Travel as much as you can. Forget about the money, you’re not working to save a million but to earn life-long memories)
  • Become 60% vegetarian (It’s not that really hard, you’re still allowed to eat meat and fast-food but only twice a week)
  • Be organic and natural (Avoid the use of products with excessive chemicals. Change your shampoo, conditioner, lotion, facial moisturizer, sanitizer, etc. to all-natural products. Exception to this – master facial scrub and toner)
  • Commit yourself to getting fit (You’re not getting young and of course you always wanted to look good. Take regular exercise at least thrice a week, or you might want to enroll to dancing/swimming lessons)
  • Manage the use of Facebook (You’re only wasting a lot of time on this site trying to stalk other people’s lives. No limit on Twitter and Instagram though)
  • Read more books than watching movies (I know you love watching films but isn’t it good to play with your imagination by reading?)
  • Join a volunteer group (Share yourself by helping and making this world a little better for others)
  • Find a new hobby (Look for something that you’ve never tried before and make it as a hobby)
  • No more piercing and tattoo (Respect your body. Two piercings and one tattoo is enough)
  • Never have sex until you find the right and deserving person (Always remember that sex is not your thing and you don’t know anything about it. So save it for ‘the one’)
  • Say no to dating apps and pornography (You’re not in high school anymore. It only consumes your fucking time and storage device)
  • Don’t look for love (Let love find you without you trying so hard. If it doesn’t come, so what?)
  • Don’t make promises because liars go to hell (Stay true and don’t exaggerate things)
  • Be kind and be patient (I know you’re trying really hard, keep trying until it becomes you)
  • Forgive and move on (Whatever they did to you is already in the past)
  • Do not compare (You are unique in your own ways. Just be happy for them and be thankful for what you have)

I might be asking for too much. But believe me, someday you will be very grateful you did and realized all these. Keep your spirit up and begin to work your ass out.

Cheers to the great person you will be!

With all the love,

Your own self

Heartwarming Illustrations Show That Love Is In The Small Things

True love isn't always about the big romantic gestures. Sometimes it's about sympathizing with someone whose tea has gone cold or reading together and sharing a quilt. When two people move in together, it soon becomes apparent that the little things mean an awful lot. The throwaway moments in life become meaningful when you spend them in the company of someone you love.

The wildly popular web comic SOPPY--with more than half a million notes on Tumblr--is the illustrated love story of author Philippa Rice and her real-life boyfriend. Philippa Rice is a multi-talented artist who creates simple but beautiful comics about the everyday joys of living with someone you love. The title of her comic book, Soppy, is unapologetically fitting! Rice forgoes the usual stuff like hearts and roses, going instead for the everyday ways we share love with our significant others – be it our morning routines, a hug and a snuggle, or finishing the day in each others’ arms.

SOPPY is Philippa Rice's collection of comics and illustrations based on real-life moments with her boyfriend. From grocery shopping to silly arguments and snuggling in front of the television, SOPPY captures the universal experience of sharing a life together, and celebrates the beauty of finding romance all around us.


Sometimes, love can be found in the simplest things, like spending a blissful morning in the kitchen

You can be in the same room without having to do everything together

It is hugging each other accidentally while sleeping

Even the most mundane tasks are more fun when you do them together

Even shopping for food can be exciting

True love means putting everything aside just to hug

The biggest dilemma is often what to eat for dinner

Even if you’re feeling a bit blue, there’s always someone that will hold your hand

Love is about the little things

Happiness is when both of you read in bed after an exceptionally tiring day

Building IKEA furniture is like playing with LEGO when it’s just the two of you

Sometimes, you have to ask hard questions

Cooking together often becomes the most challenging and the most fun task

Even the tiniest problems matter to your loved one

It’s having those long talks in bed about everything and anything

It’s when you know your favorite cuddling positions

It’s having a favorite cafe, where only you two matter

The cold autumn wind can’t touch you because your heart always stays warm

Love means knowing when you need to say sorry

There is nothing more comfortable than falling asleep on your loved one’s lap

It is about exploring new things, even if it’s just your neighborhood park

It’s knowing that it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves us along

As long as both of you are headed the same way…

…Everything will be just fine